Sports Injury Expert Rockland County NY

Do You Have A Sports Injury, And Are You Looking For The #1 Sports Injury Expert In Rockland County, NY, To...
Fix It Fast?

If YES, congratulations, you’ve found David Stedjan… The #1 Sports Injury expert in Rockland County, NY, with a proven track record in helping athletes overcome sports injuries, recover from surgery, and get back out on the field, court, or track.

Discover "The 8 Secrets That ONLY Pro Athletes Know and Use to Recover From Sports Injuries"

Get your copy of this free report, written by Rockland County, NY’s, leading sports injury expert, David Stedjan, where you can learn:


How to quickly and naturally recover from sports injuries at home.


Simple, proven ways that anyone can do to help prevent future sports injuries


The most common mistakes that lead to reoccurring sports injuries that keep you side-lined for longer.


How to get long-term relief from sports injuries so you can get back onto the court, field or track!


Read David’s latest articles which are packed with proven strategies and practical advice on how you can stop your pain, and help you get back to moving freely, and playing the sports you love.

"hear how david helped sports injury sufferers across rockland county, NY"

Discover how athletes in Rockland County, NY, just like you, have found natural pain relief for their sports injuries while avoiding risky surgery – Thank you sports injury expert David Stedjan
“I have been to physical therapists before, but David is different… I was able to go back and play tennis in no time, even pick up a new sport.“

Mike, Rockland County

“David Helped me resolve the long term pain problems I had been suffering with that other doctor’s or practitioners hadn’t been able to help with

Kat, Rockland County

“David Helped me resolve the long term pain problems I had been suffering with that other doctor’s or practitioners hadn’t been able to help with

Adonis, Rockland County

Hear From Happy Clients of Ours

Please take a moment to enjoy hearing of other people, who like you, came in to see the team at Empire Sports Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation – and left much, much happier.

Is This Where You’ve Heard Of Rockland County, NY’s, Sports injury expert Before?

David has been a special guest speaker at athletic trainer conferences teaching New Jersey professionals about treating back pain, and recovering from injuries.
David can always be found lending a helping hand to those in the Rockland County, NY, area with helpful advice on how to avoid injuries, recover faster, and improve sports performance.

David hosts an annual class at popular local dance schools where he helps transition dancers to point ballet safely and whilst avoiding common injuries.


David regularly holds injury prevention clinics both in his office and out at the field for the Rockland County little league where he helps kids stay fit, strong and able to play the games they love.

Want help deciding if physical Therapy is right for you?

Arrange your Free
Discovery Visit

Perfect for you if;

  • Don’t know whether physical therapy is for you.
  • Want to visit our clinic and see how we can help.
  • Have questions and aren’t sure if your issue is curable.
  • Want to speak to the sports injury expert so you can understand your options.

Arrange A Free Telephone Consultation

Perfect for you if;

  • Don’t know whether physical therapy is right for you.
  • Want personalized advice over the phone.
  • Have questions and aren’t sure if your issue is curable.
  • Want to speak to the sports injury expert so you can understand your options.