Sports Injury Expert Rockland County NY

The Best Rotator Cuff Exercises For A Rotator Cuff Tear

If you’re suffering from a rotator cuff tear, I know how difficult it is for you to do daily tasks or exercise when every movement of your arm hurts.

I understand how frustrating it is when you can’t do your favorite sports anymore because the pain gets in the way of your training.

Fortunately, there are rotator cuff exercises you can do to improve your shoulder pain and get back to doing the things you love.

If you’ve been suffering from a rotator cuff tear and you’re looking for natural remedies that can fix your problem without the need for rotator cuff surgery, then you should read this blog.

How To Heal A Torn Rotator Cuff Naturally

If you’re looking for ways how to heal a torn rotator cuff naturally, there are rotator cuff exercises that can help you reduce the pain and regain strength in your shoulder.

Some of these exercises may hurt when done incorrectly, so it’s always best to consult our sports injury expert who can examine your rotator cuff and show you how to do rotator cuff exercises correctly.

Here are just a few rotator cuff exercises you can try to reduce your pain.

Doorway Stretch

This is one of the easiest rotator cuff exercises as you can do it anywhere you are as long as there are doors in the building.

To start with, you need to stan in the doorway and spread your arms to the sides. Place your hands on the doorway and lean forward until you feel the stretch.

Remember to keep your back straight and shift the weight onto your toes while doing this exercise. Repeat the stretch a few times.

It may look like a simple exercise but it can help you avoid rotator cuff surgery.

High-to-Low Rows

While some of the rotator cuff exercises can be done at home, this one is usually done at the gym using the appropriate equipment.

You can try to do this at home, but you need a resistance band.

Apply the band to something sturdy above shoulder height. Get down on one knee so the knee opposite your injured shoulder is raised. Your body and lowered knee should be aligned.

Grab the resistance band and pull your elbows toward your body. Keep your body straight and squeeze your shoulder blades with the movement.

This exercise is one of the best examples of how you can heal a torn rotator cuff naturally without the need for rotator cuff surgery.

Reverse Fly

Another way how to heal a torn rotator cuff naturally is to do reverse fly which is one of the most popular and easy rotator cuff exercises.

You can do this exercise at home but you need light weights or small bottles of water.

Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Keep your back straight and lean forward a little.

Hold a light weight (or a bottle) in each hand and extend your arms and raise them away from your body. You should squeeze your shoulder blades while doing this exercise.

The Fastest Way How To Heal A Torn Rotator Cuff Naturally

While the above rotator cuff exercises are a great way how to heal a torn rotator cuff naturally, if done incorrectly, they can cause more harm to your muscle.

This is why you should seek help from our sports injury expert who can show you the right exercises and guide you through your recovery process.

Our expert can help you get pain relief in a natural way so you can avoid rotator cuff surgery and get back to enjoying sports and other activities.

We offer several free resources to start with.

If you are looking for more information on sports injuries and injury prevention, we offer a free advice report where you can find all the information you need.

Free Sports Injury Report

Alternatively, we offer a free telephone consultation where you can talk to us about your problem and find out how to heal a torn rotator cuff naturally with our expert help.

Free Telephone Consultation

The last option is to book a free discovery visit where you can come and meet us in person, see the facilities, and discuss treatment options with our sports injury expert.

Free Discovery Visit

It’s important that you choose one of these options now. You shouldn’t have to live in pain that’s stopping you from doing sports and other things in life.

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