Sports Injury Expert Rockland County NY

Want To Know More About The Leading Sports Injury Expert of NY's Rockland County?

David Stedjan is the leading sports injury expert in the Rockland County, NY area, and has helped thousands of athletes overcome sports injuries without the need for surgery.

But who is David, and what makes him different from all the doctors you’ve seen before that have told you to play through the pain or side line yourself with evasive surgeries.

Who Is David Stedjan, And Why Does Everyone Want To See Him About their Sports Injuries?

My name is David, and I am the founder of Empire Sports Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation – Rockland County’s leading sports injury specialist.

Over the last three years in my clinic, I’ve worked with hundreds of athletes in Rockland County, New York, and New Jersey, who have sought my expertise in rehabilitating their injuries.

I understand that you don’t want to be out of action and on the sidelines for a prolonged period of time.  And you definitely don’t want to find yourself on the surgeon’s table!

But that’s precisely where doctors have wanted to put you before!

Here at Empire Sports Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation we focus on working with you to build strength and mobility in the injured areas, using the same movements you use when you compete!

What Is David Stedjan’s Life Like Away From Being Rockland County’s Leading Sports Injury Expert?

Outside of my clinic, I am all sports! Although I don’t play much anymore, I have taken up golf in the last few years and I am loving it.

As well as trying new sports, I’ve also dabbled in a bit of coaching, having coached for my son’s little league team, which was incredible to be a part of.

My addiction to sports and competition has run down into my son and daughter, who are athletic beyond what I ever was at their ages. So you can find me at little league games, bowling alleys, and dance studios as I cheer them on and watch them grow.

It’s also been incredibly rewarding to use my sports injury expertise to help my kids and their teammates stay fit and perform at their best.

David Stedjan’s Elite Level Experience Treating Sports Injuries

I’ve played all the same sports you’ve played. I am an athlete at heart so know exactly what you need to be performing at your best.

Although I am not as good as I used to be, I still get great satisfaction in being able to help you. I want you to get back out there and probably perform better than I ever did!

Over the years, I have become the go-to sports injury expert in Rockland County, NY. It’s  due to my reputation for providing fast, natural, and long-lasting relief to a variety of sports injuries.

Can david Stedjan Help You With Your Sports Injury?

I specialize in helping the athletes of Rockland County, NY, get fast and natural relief from the sporting injuries that they may have obtained.

Whether you are just starting your athletic journey at a young age, in your athletic prime, or winding down in life but staying active, my goal is to keep you doing what you love and performing at your best.

From minor tweaks and strains to ACL injuries, I am here to help you back to your best and avoid lengthy times waiting on the sidelines.

Why Does david stedjan Specialize In athletes that have dealt with injuries keeping them from competing?

We understand that getting back to your sport is more than just getting back to your sport!

It’s getting back to who you are. It’s overcoming that adversity and getting back to your team and not letting them down.

Unfortunately, even though you view yourself as an athlete, sometimes other physical therapists do not. They might neglect the attention you actually need and deserve. Instead, they might tell you to ice it and play through the pain.

We understand your temptations to just push through the pain and play on. That’s why we work with athletes like you by working with the same movements to get you back on the field, track, or court.

What Makes david stedjan Different?

I know that you feel let down by other physical therapists. They’ve just handed you a sheet of exercises and sent you into some corner of their clinic to work alone. At the same time, they aimlessly scroll on their phone barely paying attention.

That is the total opposite of how my expert team and I work with our patients.

At our clinics, we give you the time and respect that you deserve as an athlete. You are treated how we feel an athlete should be treated because you are not normal.

I focus on building on the movements you already do when you compete so that your muscles and tendons are game ready for you to push your limits.


Speak To The Leading sports injury Expert in rockland county

I know you might be nervous, and unsure whether physical therapy is right for you. That’s why I offer two FREE ways to speak to me, and my expert team in our Rockland County clinic. Whether you prefer to speak to us over the telephone, or want to come into our clinic, you can get answers to your questions, get personalized advice, and learn about the safe, proven and natural ways we can treat your injuries fast!

Arrange A Free Discovery Visit

Perfect for you if;

  • Don’t know whether physical therapy is for you.
  • Want to visit our clinic and see how we can help.
  • Have questions and aren’t sure if your issue is curable.
  • Want to speak to the sports injury expert so you can understand your options.

Arrange A Free Telephone Consultation

Perfect for you if;

  • Don’t know whether physical therapy is right for you.
  • Want personalized advice over the phone.
  • Have questions and aren’t sure if your issue is curable.
  • Want to speak to the sports injury expert so you can understand your options.

Hear From Happy Clients of Ours

Please take a moment to enjoy hearing of other people, who like you, came in to see the team at Empire Sports Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation – and left much happier.