Sports Injury Expert Rockland County NY

Most Common Sport Injury Problems That Stop You Doing What You Love

There is a vast range of sporting injuries that you may sustain when you’re in action, from minor strains and bumps to major problems like tears me and my expert team has treated them all and has built a reputation as the leading sports injury expert in Rockland County, NY.

However, there are a few injuries that we see come through our doors more often than everything else, no matter what sport the athlete competes in.

Often the only solution these athletes have been offered is surgery, which isn’t always 100% successful and can cause complications along with a lengthy recovery time taking you out of the game for longer.

Despite what you have heard, there are non-surgical, quick, effective, and nonevasive solutions that will get you back to the field, track, or court in no time at all.

ACL Injuries

An ACL tear is one of the most common cases that I come across as the leading sports injury expert in Rockland County, NY, whether it’s soccer players, football players, or basketball players, the list is endless.

While you would think it is contact with other players that cause this injury, it is normally just due to how the athlete’s foot lands when they stop running and are already tired at the end of a game.

Many think the only way to recover is to go through surgery and be sat on the sidelines for over a year, but as the leading sports injury expert in Rockland County, NY, my expert team and I are able to help you treat and prevent further injury with our natural, effective methods.


Rotator cuff injuries

A rotator cuff injury is caused by progressive wear and tear of the tendons around your shoulder and is more likely to occur if you’re repeatedly making overhead movements.

If you have ever feared that you have injured your rotator cuff then you have probably been told that you just have to play through the pain, ice the pain, and take some painkillers.

But we both know that this rarely does much to help and continue to suffer in pain. That is why my expert team and I are here to help you effectively and naturally deal with your injury.



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