Sports Injury Expert Rockland County NY

Sports injury Myths You’ve Been Told By Doctors, Friends, And Social Media – That keep you in pain

If you’ve had a sports injury, whether minor or major, you’ve probably been given the same advice and solutions from your doctor, friends, and even social media. The problem is that the things you’re normally told aren’t usually true, or are not the right advice for YOUR injury! This is a problem because it can lead to you suffering for longer on the side-lines when you’re itching to get back out on the court, field or track. Here are some of the most common and damaging sports injury myths that you might have fallen foul to.

Myth #1 - Play through the pain

We’ve all heard the shout from the side-line “you’re fine just walk it off” before. And I’m sure nine times out of ten you have got up and continued on the field, court or track.

But in the coming days and weeks, you’re still in pain and it won’t go away. That’s because by playing through the injury, not only was your performance drastically decreased on that day, but it has been since.

Through playing on you have also aggravated the injury and made it worse. What might have been just a small strain has now become a tear and could lead to you going under the surgeon’s knife.

That why I am here. As the leading sports injury expert in Rockland County, NY, I have countless experience in helping you avoid a trip to the hospital and getting you back to performing at your best with natural, non-evasive, and fast working methods.


Myth #2 - Sports injuries are contact related

This myth can be a bit of a double edged sword. Obviously some sporting injuries are going to be from a heavy contact or impact with the ground or someone else. But as the leading sports injury expert in Rockland County, NY, Some of the worst ACL tears I have seen have been from no contact at all!

In fact they have come from the athlete just stopping in a weird position! Normally I hear that after the injury happened the injured area didn’t feel that bad and they continued to play through it. But by the time they come to see me and my expert team they have made it far worse.

Just because you haven’t been hit doesn’t mean you are ok. That’s why I am the leading sports injury expert in Rockland county. I can help identify and rehabilitate that injury naturally and effectively. I want you to avoid the surgeons knife and a lengthy time on the side-lines.


Myth #3 - Athletes that train in the gym know what they're doing

You’ve probably seen people in the gym between sets looking like athletes so you assume they know what they are doing. You think they are more likely to avoid injury.

Well you could be wrong. As the leading sports injury expert in Rockland County, NY, I have seen hundreds of athletes that are regular gym goes who you would think know what they are doing. But the truth is they only work out the big muscles and not the ones that would actually have prevented their injury in the first place!

With my natural and non evasive approach I can help fix those niggling injuries and show you the correct way to train so that you can prevent them in the future.


Are You Shocked, Confused Or Even Angry About These Myths That People You Trusted Have Told You - Which Have Probably Lead To MORE INJURY PAIN?

I know how worrying it can be when you don’t know why you’re injured, in pain, or struggling to move freely – and I would love to help you get some clarity in a quick, free telephone call.

Simply click the button below, and arrange a free telephone consultation with me – the leading Sports Injury Expert in Rockland County NY – who can answer your questions, listen to your story, and end your uncertainty, confusion and frustration.


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