Sports Injury Expert Rockland County NY

The ACL Tear Symptoms You Need To Look Out For

Have you been suffering from a knee injury and you’re not sure what’s causing you so much pain and how to stop this?

I know how painful it is when you get a knee injury that’s stopping you not only from doing sports that you love but also from simple daily tasks.

If your pain is significant and you’re finding it hard to move and walk, the chances are you have an ACL tear injury.

Luckily, there are signs and symptoms of acl tear that you can spot and get the right treatment to avoid acl tear surgery.

If you’re suffering from a knee injury and you’re not sure whether you have symptoms of an acl tear, then you should read this blog to find out if your injury may be an acl tear.

Symptoms Of An Acl Tear

If you want to avoid acl tear surgery, it’s important to spot the symptoms of an acl tear as soon as possible and get the right treatment for your knee injury.

There are several signs and symptoms of acl tear you should look out for.

3 Common ACL Tear Symptoms

A Pop Sound In The Knee 

One of the easiest ways to spot symptoms of an acl tear is to look out for a pop sound in the knee.

There are other knee injuries that can have the same symptoms, but when it comes to sports, a pop sound is usually one of the signs and symptoms of acl tear.

If you hear popping in your knee you should immediately take action and contact our sports injury expert who can examine your knee and find out what’s wrong before it’s too late.

It’s always best to act fast to avoid unnecessary acl tear surgery and get back to health using natural remedies like physical therapy.

Swelling And Pain Within A Few Hours Of Injury  

Another one of the symptoms of an acl tear injury is swelling and pain that occur a few hours after the injury.

Sometimes you might fall during a game or a run and feel like you’re ok and you did not injure anything.

However, if you experience pain and see swelling a few hours later, it may be one of the signs and symptoms of acl tear.

If this is the case, don’t ignore it and contact our sports injury expert to get the right treatment and avoid acl tear surgery.

Loss Of Range Of Motion 

One of the signs and symptoms of acl tear is loss of range of motion.

If you’re having difficulty walking and feel pain in your joint when moving your leg, this can be one of the symptoms of an acl tear.

Just because you can still walk doesn’t mean you can just walk it off and you’ll be fine.

You should be alerted by this symptom and get our expert help before it’s too late and you need acl tear surgery.

Time plays an important role, so if you think you have acl tear, contact our sports injury expert now to avoid acl tear surgery.

The Fastest Way To Avoid Acl Tear Surgery

Acl tear surgery should be your last resort and there are always better and more natural ways of recovering from a sports injury.

If you think you have symptoms of an acl tear, don’t wait any longer and contact our sports injury expert now to avoid acl tear surgery.

We offer a few free resources to start with.

If you want to know more about sports injuries and treatments available, we offer a free advice report where you can find all the information you need to make an informed decision on your health.

Free Sports Injury Report

Another option is to talk to us over the phone by booking a free telephone consultation with our sports injury expert who can answer your questions.

Free Telephone Consultation

Alternatively, you can book a free discovery visit where you can come and see us, meet the team, see the facilities, and talk to our expert about your condition to see how we can help you get back in shape.

Free Discovery Visit

The most important thing is to choose one now and get the right treatment before it’s too late and your last resort is acl tear surgery.

We’d like to avoid that and give you a chance at a natural treatment without any risks.

More Free Advice On Sports Injuries 

If you want to keep up to date with the latest advice on sports injury prevention and treatment options, you can follow us on social media and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

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Our YouTube Channel: Empire Sports Physical Therapy