Sports Injury Expert Rockland County NY

CAN you Help Me Stop My Agonizing Sporting Injury Fast?

If you are looking to stop your sports injury keeping you out of action and stopping you from doing what you love, learn how leading sports injury expert, David Stedjan, has helped people just like you.

David has helped hundreds of people in Rockland County, NY, struggling with sports injuries over the past few years, and here are just a few of their success stories…

“The treatment I received from David throughout my rehab has enabled me to break personal records that didn’t look possible before my injury”

“It was a freak accident really, we were doing pre-season workouts and during an open gym I came down for a rebound and landed off someone’s ankle.

I played through the injury and played the whole season until I decided to get surgery. After my surgery I didn’t come to David straight away and went somewhere else for my rehab, but it wasn’t the best and left me frustrated with my progression.

That was when I found David Stedjan and Empire PT, I was immediately blown away by how personalized and bespoke my treatment was!

We focused on basketball specific movements and exercises that not only helped me come back from my injury stronger, but also massively helped my mental health during the process!”

ADONIS WILLIAMS, rockland county, ankle injury from basketball


“I have been to physical therapists before, but David is different… I was able to go back and play tennis in no time, even pick up a new sport."

“As a senior athlete, I’ve obtained many injuries over the years, which is common when you’re doing lots of sports and physical exercises.

One of the major problems that kept getting back was my left knee which just wouldn’t stop hurting.

After coming to David, I was happy to see great improvements in my knee, and now I am able to play tennis without pain and fear of getting another injury. I was able to pick up new sports like pickleball too.

David is different from other physical therapists I’ve been to before. He is very articulate and knowledgeable, and takes extra time to explain everything in a way that a patient can understand.

When I started playing pickleball, I developed a back problem, but I was confident that David could fix it, and he did.

If you are recommended physical therapy then this is a great place to come. David will be able to help you get back in shape, so you can enjoy playing sports again without getting more and more injuries.”

mike rutter, rockland county, knee pain and back pain


“David’s expert knowledge and experience helped give me immediate relief for my Rotator Cuff Injury"

“I was prescribed physical therapy for some tears to my rotator cuff. I was treated by David, the owner, who was excellent.

He was very knowledgeable and attentive, and gave me several exercises which gave me relief immediately.

He then had me work on strengthening my shoulder. David has over 30 years of extensive experience and it showed in the results. I highly recommend Empire Sports PT.”

KC, Rockland county, Rotator cuff tear

“David Helped me resolve the long term pain problems I had been suffering with that other doctor’s or practitioners hadn’t been able to help with"

“My pain management doctor suggested that I try physical therapy to help me get off of some of my meds for chronic back pain.

Thank goodness I was lucky enough to find Dave and Empire Sports physical therapy. When I first walked in I was impressed with how bright and welcoming the area was.

After speaking with Dave and setting up my long-term goals I still wasn’t sure physical therapy was for me. Well, over six months later I was proven wrong.

The exercises and stretches that are he has taught me were such a great help but I was able to cut down on my pain meds. I actually got to the point where I was looking forward to my PT appointment. Dave is so knowledgeable, professional and have a unique personality. If the need should arise I would go back to Empire and Dave without hesitation.”

KAT Bronxitte, rockland county, long term pain management


Hear From Happy Clients of Ours

Please take a moment to enjoy hearing of other people, who like you, came in to see the team here at the Empire Sports Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation clinic – and left much happier.